Sunday, October 23, 2011

One Reason Why...

Well, hmm, how do I begin? 
It's a very simple message that I am trying to send across, 
but maybe not everyone would understand my point of view. 

Okay, well I've explained many times before in my other blog entry's that I want to go to a college in New York. 
Oh, trust me, I have my reasons...
 or should I say reason. 
You see, I've always promised myself, that if I go to any kind of college, what ever it is, what ever it might be, It would have to be located somewhere in New York, preferably Manhattan!!
That's where all the glitz and the glam is at. thats where the life IS. 
There's only one reason why i want to go to a college in N.Y.C. 
It's very simple.
My reason is:
Fashion is constantly changing. There's constantly new trends, new styles, new people, new looks. 
it doesn't end. It never ends. It's always aspiring and inspiring and just magnificently brilliant. (in my eyes.)
You need to always be on top of your game. You need to have passion and love for it. You need something or someone who's always pushing you to do better. You need an inspiration to keep you going. and that is it. NEW YORK IS MY INSPIRATION! It's one of my only inspirations to get bigger in this industry. 
When i go to New York, I feel like I'm in a different world. A different time and place. 
New York is so new, so Fresh and classy. So ''night-life-ee" and so edgy. 
It's so romantic, so inventive. It's so inspiring and alluring! It's all of those things.
 this is exactly why I never wanted to be anywhere else but in N.Y.C.
If I'm going to be in the Fashion-Industry, it's going to require me to always be full of energy and life. 
It just keeps getting better, and there's no end to it. so somewhere like N.Y.C would be a perfect place to keep me going. It would make me want to be someone, Constantly.
It's just what i need to feel like I'm a boss! LOL!
N.Y.C will always, always keep me inspired and interested, and there's no other place on the face of this planet, that has the power to do that. 
actually, I'm going to Queens right now :) !!!! woohoo win! 
i can't wait to leave this one-horse town, for the city!! 

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