Saturday, October 22, 2011

My College Curiosity.

Oh how i wish i could be one of the lucky ones.
or should i say, blessed ones. because nothing that happens, is by luck.
It's by being blessed, I believe, weather good or bad.

So I was searching up some cool new fashion colleges located in New York, and I found this college: . It's cool. check it out.
So anyhow, I figured out that this college only accepts a select few a year, which tells me that their a very competitive college and only want people with real, raw talent. 
I will admit, competitive colleges DO scare me a little, only because I never liked competitions, ever since I was a little kid. who knows? maybe someday I'll grow to love them. But for now, it's a big fear for me. Maybe because I'm just afraid of failure, but I know I shouldn't be.
"Failing at something, doesn't mean you failed." 
You only fail, once you don't try, or once you quit.
That's failure. 
(I just thought of that saying by the way, i didn't find it anywhere.) 
 So, incase anyone tries to put you down someday, you tell them, and you let them know, that your are a very strong person with many capabilities. Even if you haven't succeeded at everything you expected to, that doesn't mean you won't succeed in other things. You've just got to find that thing that makes your heart skip a beat, and chase after it with all your might. 
So, back to the original topic, I found this college among my internet roaming for Fashion Colleges, and I really loved it. This is one thing I've always promised myself, that if I go to ANY college, it's going to be in N.Y.C, no matter what. Only because, New York, is a truly magical place. It keeps you inspired and alive, and it keeps inspiring no matter what. New York IS the Fashion Capital of the world, in my eyes.
So is London, Milan, Paris, Los Angeles and Tokyo. 
(I bolded London, because it's apparently the number one fashion capital ranking in the world, before, \
New York City. but that doesn't matter. who knows, I might visit all these places someday. I would love to, no doubt about it. 
Anyhooo, I haven't been able to blog as much as I would like to, because of school. 
I don't know man, Sophomore year is pretty damn hard so far.
Whatever. My school doesn't interest me, the world does
I'm just going through all of this, just so I can get to the next step of my life, and the next one, and the next one, and the next one. It's all one step at a time. 
live it, and learn from it.  <33

Information on the Parson's college I was speaking of during this whole blog incase anyone would like to know more about this college. Good luck :

Parsons The New School for Design
Location: 66 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10011
phone: 212.229.8900

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